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Форум интернет-конференций ВолНЦ РАН

Гаяне Рубиковна Товмасян

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Информация о Гаяне Рубиковна Товмасян

  • Звание
  1. What sectors of economy do you offer to develop by using innovative clusters?
  2. Have you measured the impact of social networks in digitization of different sectors of economy, for example tourism?
  3. What are the main steps that Russian universities do to digitize the education system and are there any issues in that process?
  4. Digitization

    Please mention the main advantages and disadvantages of economy digitization for Russia.
  5. What is the main efficiency of e-learning compared to other forms of learning?
  6. Tourism

    What other types of tourism have prospects to be developed in Belarus?
  7. IoT

    Internet of Things (IOT) may be translated as ''Интернет вещей'' which means ''сеть физических предметов или вещей, подключенных к Интернету и взаимодействующих между собой или с внешней средой''. This of course leads to daily life digitization.